
National Accounts Last Frequency Range
Nominal GDP (USD mn) 328,642.9 Dec 2022 quarterly Mar 1993 - Dec 2022
Real GDP Growth (%) 5.0 Dec 2022 quarterly Mar 1994 - Dec 2022
Nominal GDP Growth (%) 5.995 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1994 - Jun 2024
GDP per Capita (USD) 4,783.269 2022 yearly 2010 - 2022
GDP Deflator Growth (%) 8.3 Dec 2022 quarterly Mar 1994 - Dec 2022
Private Consumption Expenditure (USD mn) 191,235.025 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1993 - Jun 2024
Private Consumption: % of GDP (%) 55.9 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1993 - Jun 2024
Public Consumption Expenditure (USD mn) 25,016.483 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1993 - Jun 2024
Public Consumption: % of GDP (%) 9.9 Dec 2022 quarterly Mar 1993 - Dec 2022
Investment: % of GDP (%) 30.6 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1993 - Jun 2024
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (USD mn) 95,485.011 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1993 - Jun 2024
Gross National Product (GNP) (USD mn) 329,384.203 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 1993 - Mar 2024
Gross Savings Rate (%) 36.8 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
Forecast: GDP PPP Per Capita (PPP Intl $) 20,191.030 2027 yearly 1980 - 2027
Forecast: Nominal GDP Per Capita (USD) 6,617.750 2027 yearly 1980 - 2027
Forecast: Real GDP Growth (%) 5.117 2027 yearly 1980 - 2027
Total Trade of Goods & Services: % of Nominal GDP (%) 41.276 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1993 - Jun 2024
Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008 (IDR bn) 3,963,461.100 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Export of Goods and Services (IDR bn) 698,146.271 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Change in Stock (IDR bn) 102,486.858 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) (IDR bn) 1,238,388.030 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: CE: Government (IDR bn) 345,270.174 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: CE: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households (IDR bn) 53,005.762 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: CE: Household (IDR bn) 2,211,295.169 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Consumption Expenditure (CE) (IDR bn) 2,609,571.105 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Imports of Goods and Services (IDR bn) 734,278.082 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p (IDR bn) 2,735,191.600 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Import of Goods and Services (IDR bn) 490,591.091 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Export of Goods and Services (IDR bn) 539,865.317 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (IDR bn) 869,895.718 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: CE: Government (IDR bn) 209,394.412 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: CE: Non-Profit Institutions (IDR bn) 35,046.765 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: CE: Household (IDR bn) 1,467,542.437 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Consumption Expenditure (CE) (IDR bn) 1,711,983.614 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Taxes Minus Subsidies of Products (IDR bn) 163,347.200 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Gross Value Added at Basic Price (IDR bn) 3,800,113.900 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Other Services (IDR bn) 76,121.400 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Human Health & Social Work Activity (IDR bn) 42,909.400 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Education Services (IDR bn) 127,671.300 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Public Adm; Defense & Compulsory Social Security (IDR bn) 147,268.600 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Business Services (IDR bn) 75,061.400 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Real Estate (IDR bn) 109,135.200 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Financial & Insurance Activity (FI) (IDR bn) 162,531.900 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Information & Communication (IDR bn) 154,107.900 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Accommodation & Food Beverages Activity (AFB) (IDR bn) 108,725.500 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Transportation & Storage (TS) (IDR bn) 220,590.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Wholesales and Retail Trade, Repairs (WR) (IDR bn) 513,377.900 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Construction (IDR bn) 410,945.800 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste & Recycling Management (IDR bn) 2,654.900 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Electricity & Gas Supply (EG) (IDR bn) 44,639.300 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Manufacturing Industry (Mfg) (IDR bn) 773,818.800 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Mining & Quarrying (MQ) (IDR bn) 292,577.900 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (AFF) (IDR bn) 537,976.700 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Taxes Minus Subsidies of Products (IDR bn) 112,726.200 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Gross Value Added at Basic Price (IDR bn) 2,622,465.400 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Other Services (IDR bn) 50,880.300 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Human Health & Social Work Activity (IDR bn) 31,289.400 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Education Services (IDR bn) 82,339.700 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Public Admin, Defense & Social Security (IDR bn) 91,078.800 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Business Services (IDR bn) 51,156.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Real Estate (IDR bn) 78,922.600 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Financial & Insurance Activity (FI) (IDR bn) 107,187.800 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Information & Communication (IDR bn) 145,517.600 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Accommodation & Food Beverages Activity (AFB) (IDR bn) 82,459.100 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Transportation & Storage (TS) (IDR bn) 114,516.100 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Wholesales and Retail Trade, Repairs (WR) (IDR bn) 359,441.900 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Construction (IDR bn) 267,906.200 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Water Supply;Sewerage, Waste & Recycling Mgt (IDR bn) 2,227.200 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Electricity & Gas Supply (EG) (IDR bn) 27,011.500 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Manufacturing Industry (Mfg) (IDR bn) 564,982.400 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Mining & Quarrying (MQ) (IDR bn) 198,663.500 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (AFF) (IDR bn) 366,885.300 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
National Income: SNA 2008 (IDR bn) 2,891,739.758 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
Gross National Product: SNA 2008 (IDR bn) 3,836,748.917 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
Production Last Frequency Range
Industrial Production Index Growth (%) -0.6 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1999 - Jun 2024
Minerals Production (Metric Ton) 800,312,947.000 2022 yearly 2009 - 2022
Gold Production (kg) 110,000.000 2023 yearly 1990 - 2023
Silver Production (Metric Ton) 335.000 2021 yearly 1986 - 2021
Motor Vehicle Production (Unit) 1,395,717.000 2023 yearly 1997 - 2023
Industrial Production Index (IPI): 2010=100 (2010=100) 129.728 Jun 2019 monthly Jan 2010 - Jun 2019
Production: Crude Petroleum & NGL (TJ) 1,944,242.000 2017 yearly 2006 - 2017
Production: Natural Gas (TJ) 2,496,383.000 2017 yearly 2006 - 2017
Electricity Consumption: Total (MWh mn) 288.436 2023 yearly 1986 - 2023
Construction and Properties Last Frequency Range
House Prices Growth (%) 1.8 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2003 - Jun 2024
Nominal Residential Property Price Index (2010=100) 164.341 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Dec 2023
Nominal Residential Property Price Index Growth (%) 1.740 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 2003 - Dec 2023
Real Residential Property Price Index (2010=100) 96.434 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 2002 - Dec 2023
Real Residential Property Price Index Growth (%) -1.039 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 2003 - Dec 2023
Government and Public Finance Last Frequency Range
Consolidated Fiscal Balance: % of GDP (%) -2.6 Jun 2024 quarterly Dec 2014 - Jun 2024
Consolidated Fiscal Balance (USD mn) -987.274 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2014 - Jul 2024
Tax Revenue (USD mn) 10,556.110 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2014 - Jul 2024
Tax Revenue: % of GDP (%) 10.2 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Jun 2024
National Government Debt (USD mn) 520,998.2 Jul 2024 monthly Jun 2009 - Jul 2024
Government Debt: % of GDP (%) 39.4 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 2015 - Jun 2024
Forecast: Government Expenditure (IDR bn) 5,832,414.148 2029 yearly 1993 - 2029
Forecast: Government Net Debt (IDR bn) 12,638,256.672 2029 yearly 2000 - 2029
Forecast: Government Revenue (IDR bn) 4,528,926.050 2028 yearly 1981 - 2028
Govt Revenue: Budget: Domestic: Tax: DT: Excises Duties (IDR bn) 244,198.400 2025 yearly 2001 - 2025
Govt Revenue: Budget: Domestic: Tax: DT: Value Added Tax (IDR bn) 945,120.600 2025 yearly 2001 - 2025
Government Budget Deficit or Surplus: Budget (IDR bn) -616,186.100 2025 yearly 2001 - 2025
DJ ANGGARAN Forecast: Govt Expenditure (Exp): BDG (IDR bn) 2,461,112.052 2019 yearly 2001 - 2019
DJ ANGGARAN Forecast: Govt Revenue & Grant (Rev): Budget (BDG) (IDR bn) 2,165,111.816 2019 yearly 2001 - 2019
DJ ANGGARAN Forecast: Govt Rev: BDG: Domestic: Tax (IDR bn) 1,786,378.650 2019 yearly 2001 - 2019
MA: Budget: 10-years SBN (%) 7.290 2021 yearly 2021 - 2021
Central Government Operation: Total Expenditures (IDR bn) 240,755.261 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1999 - Jul 2024
Central Government Operation: Financing (IDR bn) 49,016.719 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1999 - Jul 2024
Central Government Operation: Total Revenue (IDR bn) 224,700.686 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1999 - Jul 2024
Central Government Operation: Overall Balance (IDR bn) -16,054.575 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1999 - Jul 2024
Demographic and Labour Market Last Frequency Range
Population (Person mn) 274.9 2022 yearly 1950 - 2022
Labour Force Participation Rate (%) 69.8 Feb 2024 semiannually Feb 2005 - Feb 2024
Employed Persons (Person) 120,647,700.000 Feb 2016 monthly Feb 2012 - Feb 2016
Unemployment Rate (%) 5.32 2023 yearly 1984 - 2023
Monthly Earnings (USD) 190 2023 yearly 1991 - 2023
Labour Productivity Growth (%) 1.63 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Forecast: Population (Person mn) 289.620 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Forecast: Unemployment Rate (%) 5.100 2028 yearly 1984 - 2028
BPS Projection: Population: Male (Person th) 158,755.000 2045 yearly 1985 - 2045
BPS Projection: Population: Female (Person th) 160,206.000 2045 yearly 1985 - 2045
Labour Force: Semester: 15 Years and Over: Working (Person th) 129,366.192 Feb 2019 semiannually Feb 2005 - Feb 2019
Labour Force: Semester: 15 Years and Over (Person th) 136,183.032 Feb 2019 semiannually Feb 2005 - Feb 2019
Employment: Semi-Annual: Manufacturing (Person th) 18,251.456 Aug 2018 semiannually Feb 2015 - Aug 2018
Employment: Semi-Annual: Agri,Forest&Fishing (Person th) 35,703.074 Aug 2018 semiannually Feb 2015 - Aug 2018
Employment: Semi-Annual: Whole&Retail Trd,Repair Mtr Vhcl & Mtrcycls (Person th) 23,073.515 Aug 2018 semiannually Feb 2015 - Aug 2018
Job Vacancies: Total (Person) 216,972.000 2023 yearly 1983 - 2023
Monthly Average Wage: Wholesale & Retail; Repair of Motor Vehicles (IDR) 2,342,887.000 2018 yearly 2015 - 2018
Monthly Average Wage: Manufacturing (IDR) 2,594,921.000 2018 yearly 2015 - 2018
Monthly Average Wage: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (IDR) 1,409,656.000 2018 yearly 2015 - 2018
Avg Weekly Hour Worked: Wholesale & Retail; Repair of Motor Vehicles (Hour) 48.000 2018 yearly 2015 - 2018
Avg Weekly Hour Worked: Construction (Hour) 46.000 2018 yearly 2015 - 2018
Avg Weekly Hour Worked: Other Service Activities (Hour) 43.000 2018 yearly 2015 - 2018
Avg Weekly Hour Worked: Manufacturing (Hour) 44.000 2018 yearly 2015 - 2018
Domestic Trade and Household Survey Last Frequency Range
Retail Sales Growth (%) 0.0 May 2023 monthly Jan 2011 - May 2023
Number of Registered Vehicles (Unit) 24,646,825 2023 yearly 1963 - 2023
Motor Vehicles Sales (Unit) 74,160 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1989 - Jul 2024
Motor Vehicles Sales Growth (%) -7.9 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1990 - Jul 2024
Motor Vehicle Sales: Commercial Cars (Unit) 226,476.000 2023 yearly 2005 - 2023
Motor Vehicle Sales: Passenger Cars (Unit) 779,326.000 2023 yearly 2005 - 2023
Consumer Confidence: Net Balance (% Point) 24.4 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2010 - Aug 2024
Consumer Confidence Growth (% Point) -0.8 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2011 - Aug 2024
Household Expenditure per Capita (USD) 1,143.438 2023 yearly 2000 - 2023
Consumer Survey Index; Consumer Confidence Index (Point) 124.444 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2010 - Aug 2024
Average Monthly Expenditure per Capita (IDR) 1,451,870.000 2023 yearly 2000 - 2023
Retail Sales Survey: Retail Sales Index (2010=100) 212.040 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2010 - Jul 2024
Motor Vehicle Sales: GAI (Unit) 89,110.000 Jul 2019 monthly Jan 1989 - Jul 2019
Inflation Last Frequency Range
Consumer Price Index CPI Growth (%) 3.1 Jul 2023 monthly Jan 1969 - Jul 2023
Core CPI Change (%) 2.019 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2009 - Aug 2024
CPI: Food and Non Alcoholic Beverage Change (%) 3.387 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2008 - Aug 2024
Producer Price Index Growth (%) 3.9 Jun 2023 monthly Jan 1972 - Jun 2023
Forecast: Consumer Price Index Growth (%) 2.461 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Referred Coal Price: Price Marker: Indonesia (USD/Ton) 88.850 Apr 2019 monthly Jan 2011 - Apr 2019
Residential Property Price Index: BI: 18 City (2002=100) 208.785 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2012 - Jun 2019
Consumer Price Index: Core: YoY (%) 2.87 Jul 2018 monthly Jan 2014 - Jul 2018
Consumer Price Index (2022=100) 106.060 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2022 - Aug 2024
Consumer Price Index: Household Equipment, Equip& Maintenance (2022=100) 103.630 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2023 - Aug 2024
Consumer Price Index: Information, Communication, & Fin. Service (2022=100) 99.540 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2023 - Aug 2024
Consumer Price Index: Food Ingredient (2022=100) 107.460 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2023 - Aug 2024
Consumer Price Index: Clothing and Footwear (2022=100) 103.160 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2023 - Aug 2024
Consumer Price Index: Housing, Water, Electricity, and Other Fuel (2022=100) 102.430 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2023 - Aug 2024
Consumer Price Index: Recreation, Sports, and Culture (2022=100) 104.020 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2023 - Aug 2024
Consumer Price Index: Personal Care and Other Services (2022=100) 110.730 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2023 - Aug 2024
Wholesale Price Index: General: MoM (%) -0.120 Aug 2024 monthly Jul 2019 - Aug 2024
Wholesale Price Index: General: YoY (%) 2.820 Aug 2024 monthly Jul 2019 - Aug 2024
Producer Price Index: Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing (2016=100) 144.540 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2023 - Jun 2024
Producer Price Index: Mining and Quarrying (2016=100) 191.940 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2023 - Jun 2024
Producer Price Index: Manufacturing (2016=100) 123.180 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2023 - Jun 2024
Producer Price Index: YoY (%) 0.010 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2023 - Jun 2024
Producer Price Index: QoQ (%) 0.640 Jun 2024 quarterly Dec 2023 - Jun 2024
Retail Price: Fuel: Gasoline 90 (Pertalite) (IDR/l) 7,650.000 Mar 2019 monthly Jul 2015 - Mar 2019
Retail Price: Fuel: Gasoline 88 (Premium) (IDR/l) 6,550.000 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 2015 - Mar 2019
Retail Price: Fuel: Gasoline 92 (Pertamax) (IDR/l) 9,850.000 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 2006 - Mar 2019
Crude Oil Price: Indonesia (USD/Barrel) 61.320 Jul 2019 monthly Dec 1991 - Jul 2019
Foreign Trade Last Frequency Range
Forecast: Exports of Goods Growth (%) 6.805 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Trade Balance (USD mn) 499.7 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1967 - Jul 2024
Total Exports (USD mn) 23,828.1 Dec 2022 monthly Oct 1983 - Dec 2022
Total Exports Growth (%) 6.6 Jul 2024 monthly Oct 1984 - Jul 2024
Aluminum: Exports (USD th) 692,439.543 2023 yearly 2003 - 2023
Exports: Medicament (USD th) 401,971.870 2022 yearly 2003 - 2022
Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th) 132,333.063 2022 yearly 2003 - 2022
Total Imports (USD mn) 19,939.8 Dec 2022 monthly Jan 2008 - Dec 2022
Total Imports Growth (%) 11.1 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2009 - Jul 2024
Imports: Medicament (USD th) 768,288.766 2022 yearly 2003 - 2022
Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th) 1,877,735.314 2022 yearly 2003 - 2022
Total Exports to USA (USD mn) 2,158.678 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1971 - Jul 2024
Total Imports from USA (USD mn) 1,065.187 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 1982 - Jul 2024
Total Exports to China (USD mn) 5,087.049 Jul 2024 monthly Nov 1982 - Jul 2024
Total Imports from China (USD mn) 6,713.979 Jul 2024 monthly Mar 1988 - Jul 2024
Imports: cif: OG: Crude Oil (USD mn) 393.100 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 2008 - Mar 2019
Exports: fob: OG: Mining: Crude Oil (USD mn) 177.600 Apr 2019 monthly Jan 1998 - Apr 2019
Imports: cif: OG: Gas (USD mn) 217.500 Jun 2019 monthly Jan 2008 - Jun 2019
Exports: fob: OG: Gas Procurement: Gas (USD mn) 4.300 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 2015 - Mar 2019
Exports: fob: OG: Mining: Gas (USD mn) 447.900 Jun 2019 monthly Jan 2015 - Jun 2019
Exports: Road Vehicles (USD mn) 590.839 Feb 2019 monthly Jan 2012 - Feb 2019
Imports: Road Vehicles (USD mn) 593.654 Feb 2019 monthly Jan 2012 - Feb 2019
Exports: Machinery & Transportation Equipments (USD mn) 2,937.770 May 2024 monthly Jan 2012 - May 2024
Exports: Mineral Fuels, Lubricants, Etc (USD mn) 4,724.552 May 2024 monthly Jan 2012 - May 2024
Exports: Beverages and Tobacco (USD mn) 169.277 May 2024 monthly Jan 2012 - May 2024
Imports: Machinery and Transport Equipments (USD mn) 6,175.129 May 2024 monthly Jan 2012 - May 2024
Imports: Chemical (USD mn) 2,614.866 May 2024 monthly Jan 2012 - May 2024
Imports: Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and etc (USD mn) 3,125.358 May 2024 monthly Jan 2012 - May 2024
Imports: Beverages and Tobacco (USD mn) 98.793 May 2024 monthly Jan 2012 - May 2024
Export Value Index (2015=100) 152.860 2021 yearly 2003 - 2021
Import Value Index (2015=100) 137.385 2021 yearly 2003 - 2021
Balance of Payments Last Frequency Range
Direct Investment Abroad (USD mn) 2,559.0 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
Current Account Balance (USD mn) -3,020.9 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1981 - Jun 2024
Current Account Balance: % of GDP (%) 0.9 Mar 2023 quarterly Mar 1993 - Mar 2023
Foreign Direct Investment (USD mn) 3,938.0 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1981 - Jun 2024
Foreign Direct Investment: % of GDP (%) 1.2 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1990 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment (USD mn) 4,048.600 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%) 1.2 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2004 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn) -2,491.6 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1981 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn) 6,540.220 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1981 - Jun 2024
External Debt (USD mn) 407,336.4 May 2024 monthly Jan 2008 - May 2024
External Debt: % of GDP (%) 29.8 2023 yearly 2003 - 2023
External Debt: Short Term (USD mn) 57,591.1 May 2024 monthly Jan 2008 - May 2024
External Debt: Short Term: % of GDP (%) 3.8 2023 yearly 2003 - 2023
Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn) -30.420 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Net International Investment Position (USD mn) -247,254.832 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Jun 2024
External Debt Outstanding: Govt & MA: Bilateral: South Korea (USD mn) 342.690 Dec 2018 quarterly Dec 1998 - Dec 2018
External Debt Outstanding: Govt & MA: Bilateral: France (USD mn) 2,209.920 Dec 2018 quarterly Dec 1996 - Dec 2018
External Debt Outstanding: Govt & MA: Bilateral: Germany (USD mn) 2,893.130 Dec 2018 quarterly Dec 1996 - Dec 2018
External Debt Outstanding: Govt & MA: Bilateral: Japan (USD mn) 12,535.300 Dec 2018 quarterly Dec 1996 - Dec 2018
External Debt Outstanding: Govt & MA: Bilateral: US (USD mn) 397.620 Dec 2018 quarterly Dec 1996 - Dec 2018
BoP: IMF BPM6: FA: Portfolio Inv: Liabilities: Private: Equity Sec (USD mn) 25.259 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2010 - Dec 2018
BoP: IMF BPM6: FA: Portfolio Inv: Liabilities: Public: Debt Securiti (USD mn) 4,809.228 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2010 - Dec 2018
BoP: IMF BPM6: FA: Direct Investment: Liabilities (USD mn) 3,614.757 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2010 - Dec 2018
BoP: IMF BPM6: FA: Portfolio Inv: Liabilities: Private: Debt Sec (USD mn) 6,641.640 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2010 - Dec 2018
BoP: IMF BPM6: FA: Direct Investment: Assets (USD mn) -1,631.267 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2010 - Dec 2018
BoP: IMF BPM6: Financial Derivatives (USD mn) -0.523 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
Balance of Payments: IMF BPM6: Current Account (USD mn) -8,442.766 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019
BoP: IMF BPM6: FA: Other Investment: Liabilities (USD mn) 451.590 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Current Account: Services: Export (USD mn) 9,042.730 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Current Account: Goods (USD mn) 9,955.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Financial Account: Direct Investment (USD mn) 1,379.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Financial Account: Liabilities (USD mn) 8,751.390 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Financial Account: Other Investment (USD mn) -2,094.280 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Current Account: Primary Income: Payment (USD mn) -11,593.020 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment (USD mn) 2,993.990 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: FA: Other Investment: Assets (USD mn) -2,545.870 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Current Account: Goods: Exports (USD mn) 62,055.040 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Capital Account (USD mn) 3.980 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Current Account: Services (USD mn) -5,152.350 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Financial Account: Assets (USD mn) -6,079.820 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Current Account: Primary Income: Receipts (USD mn) 2,301.660 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: CA: Secondary Income: Receipts (USD mn) 4,238.590 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: FA: Memorandum: Direct Investment Abroad (USD mn) -3,514.600 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Current Account: Secondary Income (USD mn) 1,467.780 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Memorandum: Reserve Asset Position (USD mn) 140,177.280 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Current Account: Primary Income (USD mn) -9,291.350 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: FA: Portfolio Investment: Assets (USD mn) -1,054.610 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: FA: Portfolio Investment: Liabilities (USD mn) 4,048.600 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Current Account: Goods: Imports (USD mn) -52,100.040 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Current Account: Services: Import (USD mn) -14,195.080 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Financial Account (USD mn) 2,671.580 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: Net Error & Omissions (USD mn) -211.440 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: IMF BPM6: CA: Secondary Income: Payments (USD mn) -2,770.800 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
International Investment Position (IIP): Net (USD mn) -247,254.832 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Jun 2024
International Investment Position (IIP): Assets (USD mn) 491,485.222 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Jun 2024
International Investment Position (IIP): Liabilities (USD mn) 738,740.054 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Jun 2024
Monetary Last Frequency Range
Non Performing Loans Ratio (%) 2.5 Apr 2023 monthly Jan 2003 - Apr 2023
Household Debt: % of GDP (%) 9.8 Jun 2024 quarterly Dec 2010 - Jun 2024
Non-Performing Loans (USD mn) 10,305.922 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 2003 - Jun 2024
Money Supply M1 (USD mn) 160,860.028 Jul 2024 monthly Feb 1968 - Jul 2024
Money Supply M2 (USD mn) 549,681.852 Jul 2024 monthly Feb 1968 - Jul 2024
M2 Growth (%) 7.4 Jul 2024 monthly Feb 1969 - Jul 2024
Reserve Requirement Ratio (%) 9.0 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1997 - Aug 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves (USD mn) 130,899.7 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 2000 - Jul 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves: % of GDP (%) 9.000 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1997 - Aug 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves: Months of Import (NA) 6.0 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2008 - Jul 2024
Gold Reserves (USD mn) 6,105.680 Jul 2024 monthly Jun 1964 - Jul 2024
Total Deposits (USD mn) 487,825.222 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1999 - Jul 2024
Total Deposits Growth (%) 6.2 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2000 - Jul 2024
Domestic Credit (USD mn) 532,884.2 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2004 - Jul 2024
Domestic Credit Growth (%) 10.8 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Jul 2024
Debt Service Ratio: Private Non-Financial Sector (%) 4.300 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 1999 - Dec 2023
Credit to Households (USD bn) 222.549 Dec 2023 quarterly Dec 2001 - Dec 2023
Credit to Private Non-Financial Sector (USD bn) 542.069 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 1976 - Dec 2023
Household Debt (USD mn) 129,469.9 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2002 - Jul 2024
Total Loans (USD mn) 455,977.327 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2002 - Jul 2024
Total Loans Growth (%) 11.74 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2003 - Jul 2024
Private Debt: % of Nominal GDP (%) 30.37 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2024
BM (M2): Narrow Money (M1) (IDR bn) 1,523,525.730 Jun 2019 monthly Jan 2002 - Jun 2019
CRB: Loans: Household Consumption: Housing (IDR bn) 465,884.900 Jun 2019 monthly Jun 2016 - Jun 2019
NPL: Comm Banks (IDR bn) 141,557.251 May 2019 monthly Jan 2011 - May 2019
Banking Statistics Last Frequency Range
Liquid Assets Ratio (%) 12.2 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 2012 - Jun 2024
Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 26.1 Jun 2024 monthly Mar 2010 - Jun 2024
Commercial Banks: Liquidity Assets Ratio (%) 14.638 Jan 2019 monthly Jan 2012 - Jan 2019
Interest and Foreign Exchange Rates Last Frequency Range
Bank Lending Rate (% pa) 8.810 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1993 - Jul 2024
Exchange Rate against USD (USD/IDR) 14,810.857 May 2023 monthly Jan 1967 - May 2023
Policy Rate (% pa) 6.25 Aug 2024 monthly Jun 2015 - Aug 2024
Short Term Interest Rate (% pa) 6.76 May 2023 monthly Dec 1995 - May 2023
Long Term Interest Rate (% pa) 6.68 Aug 2024 monthly Oct 2008 - Aug 2024
Real Effective Exchange Rate (2005=100) 111.3 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1994 - Jul 2024
Short Term Government Bond Yield (% pa) 5.68 May 2023 monthly Oct 2008 - May 2023
Lending Rate: IDR: Investment: Commercial Banks (% pa) 10.360 Feb 2019 monthly Jun 1993 - Feb 2019
Lending Rate: IDR: Working Capital: Commercial Banks (% pa) 10.550 Feb 2019 monthly Jun 1993 - Feb 2019
Spot FX Rate: Bank Indonesia: Rupiah to Euro (IDR/EUR) 15,643.215 Jul 2019 monthly Jan 1999 - Jul 2019
Energy Last Frequency Range
Electricity Production (GWh) 323,321 2023 yearly 1994 - 2023
Natural Gas Production: OPEC: Marketed Production (Cub m mn) 60,374.000 2023 yearly 1960 - 2023
Natural Gas: Exports (Cub m mn) 21,463.000 2023 yearly 1960 - 2023
Natural Gas: Consumption (Cub ft/Day bn) 4.397 2023 yearly 1965 - 2023
Crude Oil: Production (Barrel/Day th) 739.000 Nov 2016 monthly Jan 2002 - Nov 2016
Crude Oil: Exports (Barrel/Day th) 55.833 2023 yearly 1980 - 2023
Crude Oil: Imports (Barrel/Day th) 332.750 2023 yearly 1980 - 2023
Oil Consumption (Barrel/Day th) 1,603.769 2023 yearly 1965 - 2023
Coal Production (Tonne mn) 775.182 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Coal Consumption (TOE mn) 61.558 2018 yearly 1965 - 2018
Tourism Last Frequency Range
Visitor Arrivals (Person) 1,310,756 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1979 - Jul 2024
Visitor Arrivals Growth (%) 16.9 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1980 - Jul 2024
Tourism Revenue (USD mn) 3,533 2020 yearly 2002 - 2020
Tourism Revenue Growth (%) -80.8 2020 yearly 2003 - 2020
Average Expenditure per Visitor per Visit (USD) 1,201.040 2016 yearly 1989 - 2016
Average Length of Stay: Annual (Day) 8.420 2016 yearly 1989 - 2016
Business and Economic Survey Last Frequency Range
Global Competitiveness Index (Score) 64.629 2019 yearly 2017 - 2019
Business Confidence Growth (% Point) 2.5 Sep 2024 quarterly Mar 2011 - Sep 2024
Business Survey (BS): Production Capacity Utilization (PC) (%) 76.097 Mar 2019 quarterly Mar 2004 - Mar 2019
Business Survey (BS): Prompt Manufacturing Index (PMI) (%) 54.184 Sep 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Sep 2024
Financial Market Last Frequency Range
Equity Market Index (10Aug1982=100) 7,670.7 Aug 2024 monthly Apr 1983 - Aug 2024
Market Capitalization: % of GDP (%) 55.8 2023 yearly 2010 - 2023
Market Capitalization (USD mn) 850,624.593 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1990 - Aug 2024
P/E ratio (NA) 12.450 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1992 - Jul 2024
Transport and Telecommunications Last Frequency Range
Registered Motor Vehicles (Unit th) 21,114.412 2020 yearly 2005 - 2020
Container Port Throughput (TEU) 12,380,584.000 2022 yearly 2008 - 2022
Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (2004=100) 47.760 2018 yearly 2004 - 2018
Number of Subscriber Fixed Line (Unit) 8,423,990.000 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Number of Subscriber Mobile (Person) 316,552,572.000 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Teledensity: Fixed Line (Number) 3.058 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Teledensity: Mobile (Number) 114.901 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Information Technology Networked Readiness (Score) 4.009 2016 yearly 2012 - 2016
Exports: ICT Goods (USD th) 6,752,478.397 2021 yearly 2003 - 2021
Exports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th) 2,288,974.571 2023 yearly 2003 - 2023
Exports: Television (USD th) 1,598,968.792 2023 yearly 2003 - 2023
Imports: ICT Goods (USD th) 16,671,343.210 2021 yearly 2003 - 2021
Imports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th) 4,339,425.562 2023 yearly 2003 - 2023
Imports: Television (USD th) 515,224.795 2023 yearly 2003 - 2023
Cargo Loaded: Domestic (kg) 603,151,794.000 2017 yearly 2006 - 2017
Cargo Unloaded: Domestic (kg) 557,653,312.000 2017 yearly 2006 - 2017
Cargo Loaded: International (kg) 224,253,080.000 2017 yearly 2006 - 2017
Cargo Unloaded: International (kg) 223,900,557.000 2017 yearly 2006 - 2017
Railway: Passenger: Embarked: Java and Sumatra (Person mn) 393.300 2017 yearly 2002 - 2017
Railway: Freight: Ton Loaded: Java and Sumatra (Ton th) 43,367.000 2017 yearly 2002 - 2017

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