
National Accounts Last Frequency Range
Nominal GDP (USD mn) 440,146.9 Mar 2023 quarterly Sep 1959 - Mar 2023
Real GDP Growth (%) 2.7 Dec 2022 quarterly Sep 1960 - Dec 2022
Nominal GDP Growth (%) 4.372 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1960 - Jun 2024
GDP per Capita (USD) 65,005.795 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
GDP Deflator Growth (%) 9.1 Dec 2022 quarterly Sep 1960 - Dec 2022
Private Consumption Expenditure (USD mn) 227,436.303 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Private Consumption: % of GDP (%) 50.6 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Public Consumption Expenditure (USD mn) 101,187.448 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Public Consumption: % of GDP (%) 20.4 Dec 2022 quarterly Sep 1959 - Dec 2022
Investment: % of GDP (%) 25.8 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (USD mn) 107,624.654 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Gross National Product (GNP) (USD mn) 430,283.098 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Gross Savings Rate (%) 29.6 Dec 2022 quarterly Sep 1959 - Dec 2022
Forecast: GDP PPP Per Capita (PPP Intl $) 75,508.049 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Forecast: Nominal GDP Per Capita (USD) 75,393.910 2027 yearly 1980 - 2027
Forecast: Real GDP Growth (%) 2.279 2027 yearly 1980 - 2027
Total Trade of Goods & Services: % of Nominal GDP (%) 45.089 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Production Last Frequency Range
Agricultural Land (sq km) 3,557,750.000 2020 yearly 1961 - 2020
Fertilizer Consumption (%) 285.140 2020 yearly 1961 - 2020
Aquaculture Production (Metric Ton) 125,230.520 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Industrial Production Index Growth (%) 0.1 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1975 - Jun 2024
Minerals Production (Metric Ton) 1,321,311,762.000 2022 yearly 2009 - 2022
Gold Production (kg) 310,000.000 2023 yearly 1990 - 2023
Silver Production (Metric Ton) 1,200.000 2023 yearly 1986 - 2023
Motor Vehicle Production (Unit) 7,141.000 2023 yearly 1997 - 2023
Capacity Utilisation Rate: sa: Australian Industry Index (%) 80.700 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2023 - Aug 2024
Industry Value Added: Manufacturing: Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Product (PM) (AUD mn) 3,623.000 2023 yearly 2007 - 2023
Production Volume by Major Mineral Commodity: Black Coal: Raw: 3 mth (Metric Ton mn) 126.932 Mar 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Mar 2024
Production Volume by Major Mineral Commodity: Gold: Mine Production: 3 mth (Metric Ton) 68.507 Mar 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Mar 2024
Production Volume by Major Mineral Commodity: Iron and Steel: 3 mth (Metric Ton th) 1,234.550 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 1990 - Mar 2024
Construction and Properties Last Frequency Range
Building Permits (Unit) 21,956.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 2001 - Jul 2024
House Prices Growth (%) 7.7 Mar 2024 quarterly Sep 2004 - Mar 2024
Nominal Residential Property Price Index (2010=100) 188.197 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 1970 - Mar 2024
Nominal Residential Property Price Index Growth (%) 9.607 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 1971 - Mar 2024
Real Residential Property Price Index (2010=100) 131.628 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 1970 - Mar 2024
Real Residential Property Price Index Growth (%) 5.777 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 1971 - Mar 2024
Government and Public Finance Last Frequency Range
Consolidated Fiscal Balance: % of GDP (%) -1.8 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 2003 - Jun 2024
Consolidated Fiscal Balance (USD mn) -4,711.083 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 2002 - Jun 2024
Tax Revenue (USD mn) 149,474.073 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 2002 - Jun 2024
Tax Revenue: % of GDP (%) 33.5 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 2002 - Jun 2024
National Government Debt (USD mn) 650,929.8 2023 yearly 1999 - 2023
Government Debt: % of GDP (%) 38.1 2023 yearly 1999 - 2023
Forecast: Government Expenditure (AUD bn) 1,204.174 2029 yearly 1988 - 2029
Forecast: Government Net Debt (AUD bn) 1,728.540 2028 yearly 1989 - 2028
Forecast: Government Revenue (AUD bn) 1,098.260 2028 yearly 1988 - 2028
DOT Forecast: Budget Aggregates: Revenue (AUD bn) 819.600 2028 yearly 1997 - 2028
DOT Forecast: Budget Aggregates: Expenses (AUD bn) 829.800 2028 yearly 1997 - 2028
Demographic and Labour Market Last Frequency Range
Life Expectancy at Birth (Year) 83.200 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Population (Person mn) 27.0 2023 yearly 1950 - 2023
Labour Force Participation Rate (%) 67.0 Jun 2024 monthly Feb 1978 - Jun 2024
Employed Persons (Person) 14,406,051.184 Jun 2024 monthly Feb 1978 - Jun 2024
Unemployment Rate (%) 4.05 Jun 2024 monthly Feb 1978 - Jun 2024
Monthly Earnings (USD) 3,744 Nov 2023 semiannually May 2012 - Nov 2023
Labour Productivity Growth (%) -1.70 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 1979 - Jun 2024
Forecast: Population (Person mn) 28.258 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029
Forecast: Employment (Person mn) 13.897 2024 yearly 1980 - 2024
Forecast: Unemployment Rate (%) 4.591 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029
DOT Forecast: Employment: sa: YoY (%) 1.250 2026 yearly 1997 - 2026
Employment: Construction (Person th) 1,368.300 May 2024 quarterly Nov 1984 - May 2024
Employment: sa: Finance & Insurance (Person th) 519.267 May 2024 quarterly Nov 1984 - May 2024
Employment: Finance & Insurance (Person th) 517.675 May 2024 quarterly Nov 1984 - May 2024
Employment: Mining (Person th) 287.647 May 2024 quarterly Nov 1984 - May 2024
Employment: sa: Mining (Person th) 286.198 May 2024 quarterly Nov 1984 - May 2024
Employment: sa: Construction (Person th) 1,360.890 May 2024 quarterly Nov 1984 - May 2024
Unemployment (Person th) 588.446 Jun 2024 monthly Feb 1978 - Jun 2024
Unemployment: sa: Males (Person th) 319.408 Jun 2024 monthly Feb 1978 - Jun 2024
Unemployment: sa (Person th) 608.214 Jun 2024 monthly Feb 1978 - Jun 2024
Unemployment: Males (Person th) 309.966 Jun 2024 monthly Feb 1978 - Jun 2024
Unemployment: Females (Person th) 278.481 Jun 2024 monthly Feb 1978 - Jun 2024
Unemployment: sa: Females (Person th) 288.806 Jun 2024 monthly Feb 1978 - Jun 2024
RBA Forecast: Unemployment Rate: High (%) 4.400 Dec 2026 semiannually Jun 2017 - Dec 2026
DOT Forecast: Participation Rate: sa (%) 66.250 2026 yearly 1997 - 2026
Actual Hours Worked (Hour th) 452,330.565 Jul 2024 monthly Feb 1978 - Jul 2024
National Minimum Hourly Wage Rate (AUD) 24.100 Sep 2024 monthly Jul 2010 - Sep 2024
Average Weekly Earning: sa (AUD) 1,432.600 Nov 2023 semiannually May 2012 - Nov 2023
Average Weekly Earning (AUD) 1,432.600 Nov 2023 semiannually Nov 1994 - Nov 2023
Average Weekly Earning: Mining (AUD) 2,899.200 Nov 2023 semiannually Nov 1994 - Nov 2023
Average Weekly Earning: Financial & Insurance Services (AUD) 1,951.000 Nov 2023 semiannually Nov 1994 - Nov 2023
Average Weekly Earning: Construction (AUD) 1,692.400 Nov 2023 semiannually Nov 1994 - Nov 2023
Job Vacancies: Australia (Unit th) 341.500 May 2024 quarterly May 1979 - May 2024
Job Vacancies: Australia: sa (Unit th) 352.600 May 2024 quarterly May 1979 - May 2024
AU: Employment To Population Ratio: Modeled ILO Estimate: Aged 15+ (%) 63.970 2023 yearly 1991 - 2023
AU: Labour Force Participation Rate: Modeled ILO Estimate: % of Total Population... (%) 66.371 2023 yearly 1991 - 2023
AU: Population: Female (Person) 13,409,588.000 2023 yearly 1960 - 2023
AU: Population: Male (Person) 13,228,956.000 2023 yearly 1960 - 2023
Domestic Trade and Household Survey Last Frequency Range
Gini Coefficient (NA) 0.324 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020
Retail Trade Value (AUD mn) 38,649.000 Nov 2023 monthly Apr 1982 - Nov 2023
Retail Sales Growth (%) 4.2 May 2023 monthly Apr 1983 - May 2023
Number of Registered Vehicles (Unit) 19,229,139 2020 yearly 2000 - 2020
Motor Vehicles Sales (Unit) 98,328 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1994 - Aug 2024
Motor Vehicles Sales Growth (%) -10.6 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1995 - Aug 2024
Motor Vehicle Sales: Commercial Cars (Unit) 325,957.000 2023 yearly 2005 - 2023
Motor Vehicle Sales: Passenger Cars (Unit) 890,823.000 2023 yearly 2005 - 2023
Household Expenditure per Capita (USD) 27,595.458 2016 yearly 2004 - 2016
Household Income per Capita (USD) 30,914.027 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020
Retail Sales (AUD mn) 35,169.400 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1982 - Jul 2024
Retail Sales: sa (AUD mn) 36,160.100 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1982 - Jul 2024
Number of Household: Weekly Gross Income: 2017-18p: All Households (Unit th) 9,270.400 2018 yearly 1995 - 2018
Average Weekly Household Expenditure (AUD) 1,956.200 2016 yearly 1984 - 2016
DOT Forecast: Household Consumption: YoY (%) 2.750 2026 yearly 1997 - 2026
Inflation Last Frequency Range
Consumer Price Index CPI Growth (%) 3.8 Jun 2024 quarterly Dec 1987 - Jun 2024
Core CPI Change (%) 3.659 Jun 2024 quarterly Dec 1987 - Jun 2024
CPI: Food and Non Alcoholic Beverage Change (%) 3.300 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1973 - Jun 2024
Producer Price Index Growth (%) 5.2 Mar 2023 quarterly Sep 1999 - Mar 2023
Forecast: Consumer Price Index Growth (%) 2.574 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Inflation Target: Lower Limit (%) 2.000 2024 yearly 1996 - 2024
Inflation Target: Upper Limit (%) 3.000 2024 yearly 1996 - 2024
CPI: Alcohol & Tobacco (2011-2012=100) 200.700 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1972 - Jun 2024
CPI: Housing (2011-2012=100) 150.300 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1972 - Jun 2024
CPI: Health (2011-2012=100) 166.500 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1989 - Jun 2024
CPI: Food (2011-2012=100) 134.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1972 - Jun 2024
CPI: Transportation (2011-2012=100) 132.400 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1972 - Jun 2024
CPI: Recreation (2011-2012=100) 121.700 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1989 - Jun 2024
CPI: Household Contents & Services (2011-2012=100) 122.300 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1972 - Jun 2024
Consumer Price Index (CPI): All Groups (2011-2012=100) 138.800 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1948 - Jun 2024
RBA Forecast: CPI Inflation: High (%) 2.600 Dec 2026 semiannually Jun 2007 - Dec 2026
RBA Forecast: Underlying Inflation: High (%) 2.600 Dec 2026 semiannually Jun 2007 - Dec 2026
Consumer Price Index: sa (2011-2012=100) 138.900 Jun 2024 quarterly Dec 1986 - Jun 2024
PPI: Stage of Production: Final: Total Source: YoY (%) 4.800 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1999 - Jun 2024
Commodity Price Index: 2016-17=100: All Items: A$ (2016-2017=100) 122.133 Nov 2018 monthly Jul 1982 - Nov 2018
PPI: Input: Agriculture (2011-2012=100) 153.500 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 1996 - Jun 2024
PPI: Input: Manufacturing (2011-2012=100) 146.800 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1968 - Jun 2024
Import Price Index (ImPI): SITC: All Groups (2011-2012=100) 133.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1981 - Jun 2024
Export Price Index (ExPI): SITC: All Groups (2011-2012=100) 159.500 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1974 - Jun 2024
Foreign Trade Last Frequency Range
Forecast: Exports of Goods Growth (%) 1.986 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029
Trade Balance (USD mn) 4,009.8 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 1971 - Jul 2024
Total Exports (USD mn) 29,229.7 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 1971 - Jul 2024
Total Exports Growth (%) -1.4 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 1972 - Jul 2024
Aluminum: Exports (USD th) 4,116,973.087 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Exports: Medicament (USD th) 1,314,102.737 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th) 1,778,195.621 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Total Imports (USD mn) 25,219.9 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 1971 - Jul 2024
Total Imports Growth (%) 3.0 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 1972 - Jul 2024
Imports: Medicament (USD th) 7,493,317.912 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th) 6,198,455.930 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Total Exports to USA (USD mn) 1,483.408 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Total Imports from USA (USD mn) 2,921.439 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1969 - Jul 2024
Total Exports to China (USD mn) 8,979.189 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1969 - Jul 2024
Total Imports from China (USD mn) 6,128.483 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Trade Balance: Goods (AUD mn) 3,630.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 1971 - Jul 2024
Trade Balance: sa: Goods (AUD mn) 6,009.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 1971 - Jul 2024
Terms of Trade Index: sa (2021-2022=100) 91.300 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Export: SITC: Value: FOB: Manufactured Goods Classified Chiefly By Material (MG) (AUD mn) 1,879.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export: SITC: Value: FOB: Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Materials (MF) (AUD mn) 13,296.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export: SITC: Value: FOB: Commodities and Transactions (CT): nec (AUD mn) 3,969.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export: SITC: Value: FOB: Crude Materials, Inedible, Except Fuels (CM) (AUD mn) 14,261.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export: SITC: Value: FOB: Food & Live Animals (FL) (AUD mn) 4,618.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export: Value: Coal, whether or not Pulverized, but not Agglomerated (AUD mn) 6,555.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export: Value: FOB: Korea, Republic of (AUD mn) 3,043.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export: Value: FOB: Japan (AUD mn) 5,993.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export: Value: FOB: China (excl SARs and Taiwan) (AUD mn) 13,456.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export: Value: FOB: United States of America (AUD mn) 2,223.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export: Value: FOB: India (AUD mn) 1,921.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Terms of Trade Index (2016-2017=100) 106.800 Dec 2018 quarterly Sep 1959 - Dec 2018
Import: SITC: Value: Manufactured Goods Classified Chiefly By Material (MG) (AUD mn) 3,861.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Import: SITC: Value: Commodities and Transactions (CT): nec (AUD mn) 1,327.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Import: SITC: Value: Food & Live Animals (FL) (AUD mn) 1,903.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Import: SITC: Value: Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Materials (MF) (AUD mn) 5,274.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Import: SITC: Value: Crude Materials, Inedible, Except Fuels (CM) (AUD mn) 391.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Import: Value: Germany (AUD mn) 1,759.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Import: Value: United States of America (AUD mn) 4,378.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Import: Value: Japan (AUD mn) 2,310.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Import: Value: Singapore (AUD mn) 1,281.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Import: Value: China (AUD mn) 9,184.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Export Value Index (2015=100) 183.729 2021 yearly 1995 - 2021
Import Value Index (2015=100) 125.258 2021 yearly 1995 - 2021
Balance of Payments Last Frequency Range
Direct Investment Abroad (USD mn) -3,661.8 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Current Account Balance (USD mn) -7,068.6 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Current Account Balance: % of GDP (%) -1.6 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Foreign Direct Investment (USD mn) 7,468.7 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Foreign Direct Investment: % of GDP (%) 1.7 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment (USD mn) 40,719.761 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%) 9.1 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn) 676.9 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn) 40,042.888 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
External Debt (USD mn) 1,859,069.1 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
External Debt: % of GDP (%) 110.0 2023 yearly 1988 - 2023
External Debt: Short Term (USD mn) 433,992.3 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
External Debt: Short Term: % of GDP (%) 23.0 2023 yearly 1988 - 2023
Total Debt: % of GDP (%) 261.1 Mar 2024 quarterly Jun 1988 - Mar 2024
Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn) -11.131 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029
Net International Investment Position (USD mn) -480,739.993 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
AU: BoP: Current Account (USD mn) 4,700.952 2023 yearly 1989 - 2023
AU: BoP: Current Account: Primary Income: Credit (USD mn) 63,382.749 2023 yearly 1989 - 2023
AU: BoP: Capital Account (USD mn) -434.381 2023 yearly 1989 - 2023
AU: BoP: Financial Account: Direct Investment: Liabilities (USD mn) 32,744.696 2023 yearly 1989 - 2023
AU: BoP: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Liabilities (USD mn) 54,120.944 2023 yearly 1989 - 2023
AU: BoP: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Liabilities: Equity (USD mn) -17,960.084 2023 yearly 1989 - 2023
AU: BoP: Financial Account: Other Investment: Assets (USD mn) -27,130.335 2023 yearly 1989 - 2023
AU: BoP: Financial Account: Other Investment: Liabilities (USD mn) -21,773.165 2023 yearly 1989 - 2023
AU: BoP: Net Errors & Omissions (USD mn) 10,277.926 2023 yearly 1989 - 2023
AU: IIP: Net International Investment Position (USD mn) -570,579.676 2023 yearly 1989 - 2023
BOP: Current Account: Income: Debits: Secondary Income (AUD mn) -4,245.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Direct Investment: Abroad (AUD mn) 5,556.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Other Investment: Liabiliti... (AUD mn) 3,531.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Income: Secondary Income (AUD mn) -247.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Goods & Services: Goods: Credits (AUD mn) 130,266.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Goods & Services: Services: Debits (AUD mn) -35,529.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Goods: Debits (AUD mn) -113,361.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Goods & Services: Services (AUD mn) -6,830.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa (AUD mn) -10,725.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Direct Investment (AUD mn) 16,887.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Goods & Services: Goods: Debits (AUD mn) -111,320.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Income: Primary Income: Debits (AUD mn) -43,710.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Capital Account (AUD mn) -105.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Goods & Services: Services: Credits (AUD mn) 28,572.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Income: Credits: Secondary Income (AUD mn) 3,518.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account (AUD mn) 9,352.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Income: Primary Income (AUD mn) -22,457.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Reserve Assets (AUD mn) -1,732.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Other Investment: Assets (AUD mn) -30,876.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Goods & Services: Goods (AUD mn) 18,946.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Goods & Services: Services: Credits (AUD mn) 31,514.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Goods & Services: Services: Debits (AUD mn) -35,402.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Goods & Services: Services (AUD mn) -4,015.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Financial Derivatives: Asse... (AUD mn) 168,721.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1994 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Income: Primary Income (AUD mn) -17,647.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Goods: Credits (AUD mn) 129,355.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Income: Primary Income: Debits (AUD mn) -48,681.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Income: Primary Income: Credits (AUD mn) 26,224.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Other Investment (AUD mn) -27,345.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Income: Secondary Income (AUD mn) -727.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Asset... (AUD mn) -7,830.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Financial Derivatives (AUD mn) -32,411.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1994 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Direct Investment: in Austr... (AUD mn) 11,332.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Income: Secondary Income: Debits (AUD mn) -3,717.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Net Errors & Omissions (AUD mn) -2,989.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account (AUD mn) -6,258.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: Income: Primary Income: Credits (AUD mn) 26,063.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment (AUD mn) 53,953.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Income: Secondary Income: Credits (AUD mn) 3,470.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Liabi... (AUD mn) 61,783.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
BOP: Current Account: sa: Goods & Services: Goods (AUD mn) 15,993.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1959 - Jun 2024
BOP: Capital & Financial Account: Financial Account: Financial Derivatives: Liab... (AUD mn) -201,131.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1994 - Jun 2024
External Debt: Gross (AUD mn) 2,084,046.000 Dec 2018 quarterly Sep 1988 - Dec 2018
DOT Forecast: Current Account Balance: % of GDP (%) -2.000 2026 yearly 1997 - 2026
International Investment Position: Assets (AUD mn) -3,962,782.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
IIP: Liabilities: Foreign Liabilities (AUD mn) 4,682,776.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
External Debt: Liabilities: Private Sector (AUD mn) 2,233,487.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
External Debt: Liabilities: Public Sector (AUD mn) 550,801.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
External Debt: Net (AUD mn) 1,266,528.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1988 - Jun 2024
No of Company: Operating: End of Financial Year: All Industries (Unit) 2,662,998.000 2024 yearly 2008 - 2024
No of Company: New Registered: All Industries (Unit) 436,018.000 2024 yearly 2008 - 2024
Funds Outflow: New Zealand (AUD mn) -2,451.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Outflow: United States of America (AUD mn) 34,816.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Outflow: Germany (AUD mn) 1,516.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Outflow: Canada (AUD mn) 2,855.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Outflow: Total All Countries (AUD mn) 292,110.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Outflow: United Kingdom (AUD mn) 100,678.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Inflow: Singapore (AUD mn) -23,296.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Inflow: Total All Countries (AUD mn) -325,325.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Inflow: Switzerland (AUD mn) -16,572.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Inflow: United States of America (AUD mn) -39,024.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Inflow: Japan (AUD mn) -6,495.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Funds Inflow: United Kingdom (AUD mn) -137,719.000 2023 yearly 2001 - 2023
Private New Capital Expenditure: Actual (AUD mn) 49,822.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 1987 - Jun 2024
AU: BOP: Current Account: Personal Remittances: Paid (USD mn) 6,545.837 2022 yearly 1970 - 2022
Monetary Last Frequency Range
Non Performing Loans Ratio (%) 1.0 Mar 2024 quarterly Jun 2004 - Mar 2024
Household Debt: % of GDP (%) 116.6 Mar 2023 quarterly Jun 1988 - Mar 2023
Non-Performing Loans (USD mn) 27,842.866 Mar 2024 quarterly Sep 1994 - Mar 2024
Money Supply M1 (USD mn) 1,111,557.757 Jul 2024 monthly Feb 1975 - Jul 2024
Money Supply M2 (USD mn) 1,994,768.236 Jul 2024 monthly Mar 1965 - Jul 2024
M2 Growth (%) 6.0 Jul 2024 monthly Mar 1966 - Jul 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves (USD mn) 40,365.4 Aug 2024 monthly Jul 1969 - Aug 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves: % of GDP (%) 2.128 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 1969 - Jun 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves: Months of Import (NA) 1.5 May 2023 monthly Jul 1971 - May 2023
Gold Reserves (USD mn) 6,414.573 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1958 - Aug 2024
Total Deposits (USD mn) 2,614,643.998 Mar 2023 quarterly Sep 2004 - Mar 2023
Total Deposits Growth (%) 2.4 Mar 2024 quarterly Sep 2005 - Mar 2024
Domestic Credit (USD mn) 3,764,735.1 Jun 2024 monthly Dec 2001 - Jun 2024
Domestic Credit Growth (%) 0.0 Jun 2024 monthly Dec 2002 - Jun 2024
Debt Service Ratio: Households (%) 18.800 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 1999 - Dec 2023
Debt Service Ratio: Private Non-Financial Sector (%) 22.300 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 1999 - Dec 2023
Credit to Households (USD bn) 1,953.455 Dec 2023 quarterly Dec 1977 - Dec 2023
Credit to Private Non-Financial Sector (USD bn) 3,023.117 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 1971 - Dec 2023
Household Debt (USD mn) 2,015,982.5 Mar 2024 quarterly Jun 1988 - Mar 2024
Total Loans (USD mn) 2,381,850.663 Jul 2024 monthly Sep 1976 - Jul 2024
Total Loans Growth (%) 6.16 Jul 2024 monthly Sep 1977 - Jul 2024
Private Debt: % of Nominal GDP (%) 125.01 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1990 - Jun 2024
Money Supply: M3 (AUD bn) 3,066.775 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 1959 - Jul 2024
Money Supply: sa: M3 (AUD bn) 3,052.438 Jul 2024 monthly Mar 1965 - Jul 2024
Money Supply: sa: M1 (AUD bn) 1,700.930 Jul 2024 monthly Feb 1975 - Jul 2024
Official Reserve Assets: Total: in USD (USD mn) 65,454.000 Aug 2024 monthly Jul 1969 - Aug 2024
Banking Statistics Last Frequency Range
Liquid Assets Ratio (%) 13.8 Mar 2024 quarterly Sep 2004 - Mar 2024
Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 20.5 Mar 2024 quarterly Sep 1989 - Mar 2024
Banks: Tier 1 Capital Ratio (%) 12.800 Dec 2018 quarterly Sep 1989 - Dec 2018
Interest and Foreign Exchange Rates Last Frequency Range
Exchange Rate against USD (USD/AUD) 1.505 May 2023 monthly Jan 1957 - May 2023
Policy Rate (% pa) 4.35 Aug 2024 monthly Aug 1990 - Aug 2024
Short Term Interest Rate (% pa) 4.39 Aug 2024 monthly Jun 1969 - Aug 2024
Long Term Interest Rate (% pa) 3.98 Aug 2024 monthly Jul 1969 - Aug 2024
Real Effective Exchange Rate (2005=100) 106.5 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1994 - Jul 2024
Short Term Government Bond Yield (% pa) 3.55 11 Sep 2024 daily 20 May 2013 - 11 Sep 2024
Energy Last Frequency Range
Electricity Production (GWh) 252,260 2012 yearly 1960 - 2012
Natural Gas Production: OPEC: Marketed Production (Cub m mn) 160,938.105 2023 yearly 1960 - 2023
Natural Gas: Exports (Cub m mn) 105,682.000 2023 yearly 1960 - 2023
Natural Gas: Imports (Cub m mn) 658.120 2023 yearly 1975 - 2023
Natural Gas: Consumption (Cub ft/Day bn) 3.882 2023 yearly 1965 - 2023
Crude Oil: Production (Barrel/Day th) 85.482 2023 yearly 1960 - 2023
Crude Oil: Exports (Barrel/Day th) 258.455 2023 yearly 1980 - 2023
Crude Oil: Imports (Barrel/Day th) 153.256 2023 yearly 1980 - 2023
Oil Consumption (Barrel/Day th) 1,056.211 2023 yearly 1965 - 2023
Coal Production (Tonne mn) 455.768 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Coal Consumption (TOE mn) 44.276 2018 yearly 1965 - 2018
Tourism Last Frequency Range
Visitor Arrivals (Person) 593,090 Apr 2024 monthly Jan 1976 - Apr 2024
Visitor Arrivals Growth (%) 8.8 Apr 2024 monthly Jan 1977 - Apr 2024
Tourism Revenue (USD mn) 7,615 Sep 2019 quarterly Sep 2005 - Sep 2019
Tourism Revenue Growth (%) 5.9 Sep 2019 quarterly Sep 2006 - Sep 2019
Visitor Arrivals: Intended Length of Stay (Movement) 802,200.000 Nov 2018 monthly Jan 1991 - Nov 2018
Business and Economic Survey Last Frequency Range
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index (Index) 94.739 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1997 - Jun 2024
Geopolitical Risk Index (%) 0.162 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1985 - Aug 2024
Exports: % of GDP (%) 27.346 2022 yearly 2001 - 2022
Imports: % of GDP (%) 21.613 2022 yearly 2001 - 2022
Business Confidence Growth (% Point) 0.0 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 2013 - Jul 2024
Industrial Trends Survey: Composite Index: sa: Expected (Index) 52.800 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2008 - Jun 2024
Financial Market Last Frequency Range
Equity Market Index (01Jan1996=100) 8,091.9 Aug 2024 monthly May 1992 - Aug 2024
Market Capitalization: % of GDP (%) 100.2 2023 yearly 1985 - 2023
Market Capitalization (USD mn) 1,792,533.458 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1985 - Jun 2024
Non Life Insurance: Gross Written Premium (AUD mn) 19,921.000 Jun 2023 quarterly Dec 2002 - Jun 2023
ASX Market Capitalization: Domestic (AUD mn) 2,684,639.000 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1985 - Jun 2024
ASX Market Capitalization (AUD mn) 2,936,102.000 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 2024 - Aug 2024
ASX Number of Listed Companies: Total (Unit) 2,029.000 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1989 - Jul 2024
Transport and Telecommunications Last Frequency Range
Patent Applications: Residents (Unit) 2,966.000 2021 yearly 1980 - 2021
Patent Applications: Non-Residents (Unit) 29,443.000 2021 yearly 1980 - 2021
Registered Motor Vehicles (Unit th) 18,924.450 2020 yearly 2005 - 2020
Container Port Throughput (TEU) 9,375,992.000 2022 yearly 2008 - 2022
Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (2004=100) 31.010 2018 yearly 2004 - 2018
Number of Subscriber Fixed Line (Unit) 6,409,275.000 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Number of Subscriber Mobile (Person) 28,018,000.000 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Teledensity: Fixed Line (Number) 24.484 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Teledensity: Mobile (Number) 107.031 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Exports: ICT Goods (USD th) 2,884,354.996 2022 yearly 2000 - 2022
Exports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th) 1,233,892.807 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Exports: Television (USD th) 48,685.599 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Imports: ICT Goods (USD th) 26,361,483.140 2022 yearly 2000 - 2022
Imports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th) 10,928,803.283 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Imports: Television (USD th) 1,734,038.216 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
AU: Air Transport: Freight (Ton-km mn) 1,200.644 2020 yearly 1970 - 2020
AU: Air Transport: Passengers Carried (Person) 23,627,140.505 2020 yearly 1970 - 2020

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