Global Database

Elevate your research with more than 4.2 million time series covering economies from the United States and China to Vietnam, Bulgaria, Chile, and Kenya

Helping analysts and economists make sense of the world economy, CEIC Data’s Global Database has been the gold standard for knowledge on developed and developing markets around the world since 1992. With access to such a vast database, users have the opportunity to gain insight into the ever-changing dynamics of world economies on a level of depth unrivaled by any other competitor.

Easily accessible through our platform, CDMNext, CEIC Data’s Global Database contains more than 4.2 million time series covering economies from the United States and China to Vietnam, Bulgaria, Chile, and Kenya. It offers a quick country reference on key indicators such as GDP, GNP, FDI, and CPI, as well as detailed, hard-to-find information on 18 macroeconomic and 14 industrial sectors. Built on the expertise of professionals on the ground in numerous emerging countries, CEIC Data offers users exclusive access to a knowledge store that will enable them to make only the smartest and most accurate assessments and decisions.

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 Access CEIC’s economic, industry and sector data through the platform that best serves your data and analytical needs: APIs, feeds, or third-party econometric platforms.