Our Insights

Curated news and insights covering emerging and developed markets directly from CEIC's analysts worldwide.  

Will the garment industry help turn India into a manufacturing power?

Will the garment industry help turn India into a manufacturing power?

17th July 2024
India is seeking to rival China in global manufacturing, and the garment industry could be a source of mass employment that could shore up the job market – one of the weaker aspects of the nation’s economy.
Jakarta’s polluted air: a poor performer among ASEAN capitals

Jakarta’s polluted air: a poor performer among ASEAN capitals

12th July 2024
Air quality is slowly improving in some parts of Southeast Asia, but serious problems remain in certain cities – especially Jakarta.
Nowcasting exports in Japan; slowing, but still robust

Nowcasting exports in Japan; slowing, but still robust

12th July 2024
The weak yen is sustaining a strong trade performance for Japan. The nation’s exports probably rose 10% year-on-year in June, our weekly nowcast shows.
Reduced fund flows hit Colombia’s peso again

Reduced fund flows hit Colombia’s peso again

12th July 2024
Colombia’s peso is under pressure again. Like previous episodes of currency weakness, we can correlate this trend with outflows from local bond and equity funds.
Early market reaction to the UK and French elections

Early market reaction to the UK and French elections

12th July 2024
The UK and France recently held surprisingly early elections. In both cases, voters returned a historic result. Tracking the FTSE 100 and CAC 40, we can see how equities reacted.
A survey of US money managers shows enthusiasm for equities remains

A survey of US money managers shows enthusiasm for equities remains

8th July 2024
We've added a new survey of US investor sentiment to the CEIC platform. It's showing that even as the tech-driven bull run continues, risk managers continue to stay invested in stocks.
A higher tax take isn't keeping pace with Lula's spending in Brazil

A higher tax take isn't keeping pace with Lula's spending in Brazil

8th July 2024
Brazil's economy is picking up and the government's tax take is rising. It still isn't enough to restrain the nation's growing debt load.