Japan Coal Production

1981 - 2023 | Yearly | Tonne mn | BP PLC

Key information about Japan Coal Production

  • Japan Coal Production was reported at 0.636 Tonne mn in Dec 2023
  • This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.697 Tonne mn for Dec 2022
  • Japan Coal Production data is updated yearly, averaging 1.423 Tonne mn from Dec 1981 to 2023, with 43 observations
  • The data reached an all-time high of 17.690 Tonne mn in 1981 and a record low of 0.636 Tonne mn in 2023
  • Japan Coal Production data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by BP PLC
  • The data is categorized under World Trend Plus’s Association: Metal and Mining Sector – Table WB.BP.PROD: Coal Production

View Japan's Coal Production from 1981 to 2023 in the chart:

Japan Coal Production

What was Japan's Coal Production in 2023?

Japan Coal Production was reported at 0.636 Tonne mn in Dec 2023 See the table below for more data.

Last Previous Min Max Unit Frequency Range
0.636 2023 0.697 2022 0.636 2023 17.690 1981 Tonne mn yearly 1981 - 2023

Coal Production by Country Comparison

country/region Last Frequency Range
Australia (Tonne mn) 455.768 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Brazil (Tonne mn) 6.824 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Bulgaria (Tonne mn) 21.045 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Canada (Tonne mn) 48.576 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
China (Tonne mn) 4,710.000 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Colombia (Tonne mn) 54.548 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Czech Republic (Tonne mn) 29.968 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
France (TOE mn) 0.121 2014 yearly 1981 - 2014
Germany (Tonne mn) 102.300 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Greece (Tonne mn) 10.887 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Hungary (Tonne mn) 4.071 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
India (Tonne mn) 1,010.896 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Indonesia (Tonne mn) 775.182 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Japan (Tonne mn) 0.636 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Kazakhstan (Tonne mn) 116.352 2023 yearly 1985 - 2023
South Korea (Tonne mn) 0.647 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Mexico (Tonne mn) 5.551 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Mongolia (Tonne mn) 83.235 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
New Zealand (Tonne mn) 2.600 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Pakistan (Tonne mn) 17.058 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Poland (Tonne mn) 88.698 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Romania (Tonne mn) 14.790 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Russia (Tonne mn) 432.498 2023 yearly 1985 - 2023
Serbia (Tonne mn) 31.924 2023 yearly 2007 - 2023
South Africa (Tonne mn) 228.500 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Spain (Tonne mn) 0.071 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Thailand (Tonne mn) 12.811 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Turkey (Tonne mn) 66.372 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Ukraine (Tonne mn) 23.341 2023 yearly 1985 - 2023
United Kingdom (Tonne mn) 0.506 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
United States (Tonne mn) 526.517 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Uzbekistan (Tonne mn) 6.188 2023 yearly 1985 - 2023
Venezuela (Tonne mn) 0.808 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Vietnam (Tonne mn) 48.179 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Zimbabwe (Tonne mn) 4.989 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023

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Japan Key Series

Government and Public Finance Last Frequency Range
Consolidated Fiscal Balance: % of GDP (%) -6.2 2024 yearly 1996 - 2024
Consolidated Fiscal Balance (USD mn) -331,330.503 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Tax Revenue (USD mn) 30,385.447 Aug 2024 monthly Apr 1983 - Aug 2024
Tax Revenue: % of GDP (%) 15.4 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 1983 - Jun 2024
National Government Debt (USD mn) 9,396,604.9 Apr 2023 monthly Apr 1982 - Apr 2023
Government Debt: % of GDP (%) 218.7 Jun 2024 quarterly Dec 1994 - Jun 2024
Forecast: Government Expenditure (JPY bn) 281,751.550 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029
Forecast: Government Net Debt (JPY bn) 1,763,113.651 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029
Forecast: Government Revenue (JPY bn) 255,473.632 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029
General Government (GG): Revenue (JPY bn) 219,673.900 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
GG: REV: TS: Taxes on Income, Profits, & Capital Gains(TIPC) (JPY bn) 64,533.600 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
GG: REV: TS: Taxes on Goods & Services (TGS) (JPY bn) 42,540.900 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
GG: Revenue: Social Contributions (JPY bn) 77,684.600 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
GG: Revenue: Grants (JPY bn) 5.300 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
GG: Expenses (JPY bn) 238,040.500 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
GG: Net Operating Balance (JPY bn) 2,135.200 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
GG: Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets (JPY bn) 1,823.900 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Central Government Debt (JPY bn) 1,307,762.900 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1982 - Jul 2024
Central Government Operations: Expenditure (JPY hm) 285,085.000 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2008 - Mar 2024
Central Government Operations: Revenue (JPY hm) 222,999.000 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2008 - Mar 2024
Central Government Operations: Balance (Deficit/Surplus) (JPY hm) -62,086.000 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2008 - Mar 2024
Foreign Trade Last Frequency Range
Forecast: Exports of Goods Growth (%) 1.467 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029
Trade Balance (USD mn) -4,794.7 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1995 - Jul 2024
Total Exports (USD mn) 58,008.3 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1995 - Jul 2024
Total Exports Growth (%) 8.3 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1996 - Jul 2024
Aluminum: Exports (USD th) 1,416,918.924 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Exports: Medicament (USD th) 4,922,979.164 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th) 2,845,576.661 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Total Imports (USD mn) 62,802.9 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1995 - Jul 2024
Total Imports Growth (%) 10.7 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1996 - Jul 2024
Imports: Medicament (USD th) 18,580,835.646 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th) 21,183,617.064 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Total Exports to USA (USD mn) 12,202.409 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1960 - Jul 2024
Total Imports from USA (USD mn) 7,323.084 Jul 2024 monthly Feb 1960 - Jul 2024
Total Exports to China (USD mn) 10,508.849 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1960 - Jul 2024
Total Imports from China (USD mn) 14,562.986 Jul 2024 monthly Feb 1960 - Jul 2024
Imports: sa (JPY bn) 9,892.605 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1995 - Jul 2024
Exports: sa (JPY bn) 9,137.360 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1995 - Jul 2024
Trade Balance: sa (JPY bn) -755.245 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1995 - Jul 2024
Exports: MTE: Transport Equipment (TE) (JPY bn) 2,327.701 Jul 2024 monthly Feb 1991 - Jul 2024
Exports: MTE: Electrical Machinery (EM) (JPY bn) 1,634.576 Jul 2024 monthly May 1994 - Jul 2024
Exports: Chemicals (CS) (JPY bn) 1,037.515 Jul 2024 monthly Dec 1984 - Jul 2024
Exports: Manufactured Goods (MG) (JPY bn) 1,101.814 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Jul 2024
Exports: MTE: Machinery (MY) (JPY bn) 1,668.243 Jul 2024 monthly Feb 1991 - Jul 2024
Exports Unit Value Index: Fisher Formula (FF): Total (2015=100) 100.40 Jul 2018 monthly Jan 2003 - Jul 2018
Imports Unit Value Index: FF: Fisher Formula (FF): Total (2015=100) 101.17 Jul 2018 monthly Jan 2003 - Jul 2018
Exports Quantum Index (2015=100) 106.65 Jul 2018 monthly Jan 2003 - Jul 2018
Imports Quantum Index: China (2015=100) 104.22 Jul 2018 monthly Jan 2003 - Jul 2018
Imports Quantum Index: USA (2015=100) 106.43 Jul 2018 monthly Jan 2003 - Jul 2018
Balance of Payments Last Frequency Range
Direct Investment Abroad (USD mn) 17,863.8 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
Current Account Balance (USD mn) 14,232.0 Apr 2023 monthly Jan 1996 - Apr 2023
Foreign Direct Investment (USD mn) -928.7 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
Foreign Direct Investment: % of GDP (%) 0.9 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1980 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment (USD mn) -41,959.246 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1996 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%) -4.4 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1980 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn) 30,137.3 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1996 - Jun 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn) -72,096.531 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1996 - Jun 2024
External Debt (USD mn) 4,198,303.2 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2003 - Jun 2024
External Debt: % of GDP (%) 107.4 2023 yearly 2003 - 2023
External Debt: Short Term (USD mn) 3,069,062.2 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2003 - Jun 2024
External Debt: Short Term: % of GDP (%) 77.7 2023 yearly 2003 - 2023
Total Debt: % of GDP (%) 1,295.3 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 1998 - Jun 2024
Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn) 154.467 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029
Net International Investment Position (USD mn) 3,379,338.294 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 2010 - Jun 2024
BoP: Financial Account (FA) (JPY bn) 2,332.271 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: CA: G&S: Services (JPY bn) -532.753 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: FA: Reserve Assets (JPY bn) -4,995.486 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: Current Account (CA) (JPY bn) 3,192.996 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: CA: G&S: Goods (JPY bn) -482.730 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: CA: G&S: Goods: Exports (JPY bn) 9,417.133 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: FA: Direct Investment (JPY bn) 2,960.163 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: CA: Primary Income (JPY bn) 4,441.002 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: Capital Account (JPY bn) -20.038 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: CA: Secondary Income (JPY bn) -232.523 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: FA: Portfolio Investment (JPY bn) 5,690.227 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: Net Errors and Omissions (JPY bn) -840.687 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: CA: G&S: Goods: Imports (JPY bn) 9,899.863 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: CA: G&S: Services (SS): Total: Credit (CR) (JPY bn) 2,701.522 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: CA: G&S: Services (SS): Total: Debit (DR) (JPY bn) 3,234.274 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: FA: DI: Liabilities (Lia) (JPY bn) -146.293 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: FA: DI: Assets (Ass) (JPY bn) 2,813.870 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: sa: CA: G&S: Goods: Net (JPY bn) -392.690 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: sa: CA: G&S: Goods: Imports (JPY bn) 9,541.455 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: sa: CA: G&S: Services (SS): Net (JPY bn) -305.808 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: sa: CA: G&S: Goods: Exports (JPY bn) 9,148.765 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: sa: CA: Primary Income: Net (JPY bn) 3,712.298 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: sa: Current Account (CA): Net (JPY bn) 2,802.924 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: sa: CA: Secondary Income: Net (JPY bn) -210.876 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
BoP: sa: CA: Secondary Income: Debit (JPY bn) 365.341 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1996 - Mar 2019
BoP: sa: CA: Secondary Income: Credit (JPY bn) 284.009 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1996 - Mar 2019
EDP: DTC: Long Term (LT) (JPY bn) 29,963.645 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Jun 2024
Gross External Debt Position (EDP) (JPY bn) 675,423.018 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Jun 2024
EDP: GG: Short Term (ST) (JPY bn) 90,740.988 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Jun 2024
EDP: DTC: Short Term (ST) (JPY bn) 212,863.530 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Jun 2024
EDP: GG: Long Term (LT) (JPY bn) 96,884.020 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Jun 2024
Monetary Last Frequency Range
Non Performing Loans Ratio (%) 1.2 Sep 2023 semiannually Mar 1999 - Sep 2023
Household Debt: % of GDP (%) 65.4 Jun 2024 quarterly Dec 1997 - Jun 2024
Non-Performing Loans (USD mn) 66,139.360 2022 yearly 1998 - 2022
Money Supply M1 (USD mn) 6,762,136.997 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1957 - Jun 2024
Money Supply M2 (USD mn) 9,931,778.966 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1957 - Jun 2024
M2 Growth (%) 1.4 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1968 - Jul 2024
Reserve Requirement Ratio (%) 0.8 Jun 2024 monthly Oct 1980 - Jun 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves (USD mn) 1,097,528.0 Aug 2024 monthly Apr 2000 - Aug 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves: % of GDP (%) 0.840 Jun 2024 monthly Oct 1980 - Jun 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves: Months of Import (NA) 16.7 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 2000 - Jul 2024
Gold Reserves (USD mn) 68,361.000 Aug 2024 monthly Dec 1956 - Aug 2024
Total Deposits (USD mn) 8,919,539.832 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1998 - Jul 2024
Total Deposits Growth (%) 0.6 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 1999 - Jul 2024
Domestic Credit (USD mn) 11,495,265.4 Jun 2024 monthly Apr 2003 - Jun 2024
Domestic Credit Growth (%) 2.4 Jun 2024 monthly Apr 2004 - Jun 2024
Debt Service Ratio: Households (%) 7.400 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 1999 - Dec 2023
Debt Service Ratio: Private Non-Financial Sector (%) 15.500 Dec 2023 quarterly Mar 1999 - Dec 2023
Credit to Households (USD bn) 2,751.511 Dec 2023 quarterly Dec 1964 - Dec 2023
Credit to Private Non-Financial Sector (USD bn) 7,555.720 Dec 2023 quarterly Dec 1964 - Dec 2023
Household Debt (USD mn) 2,585,065.5 Mar 2024 quarterly Dec 1997 - Mar 2024
Total Loans (USD mn) 4,932,882.697 Jul 2024 monthly Oct 2000 - Jul 2024
Total Loans Growth (%) 4.42 Jul 2024 monthly Oct 2001 - Jul 2024
Private Debt: % of Nominal GDP (%) 122.63 Mar 2024 quarterly Dec 2001 - Mar 2024
Money Stock: Money Supply: M3 (JPY bn) 1,620,605.400 Jun 2024 monthly Apr 2003 - Jun 2024
Money Stock: Avg: Money Supply: M2 (JPY bn) 1,256,565.500 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 2003 - Jul 2024
Money Stock: Money Supply: M1 (JPY bn) 1,110,188.900 Jun 2024 monthly Apr 2003 - Jun 2024
Money Stock: sa: Money Supply M3 (JPY bn) 1,606,477.600 Jun 2024 monthly Apr 2003 - Jun 2024
Money Stock: Avg: sa: M2 (JPY bn) 1,250,817.900 Jul 2024 monthly Apr 2003 - Jul 2024
Money Stock: sa: Money Suppy M1 (JPY bn) 1,087,892.600 Jun 2024 monthly Apr 2003 - Jun 2024
JP: Loans & Discounts: Outstanding: DLB: Local Governments (JPY bn) 29,197.20 Mar 2018 monthly Oct 2000 - Mar 2018
JP: Loans & Discounts: Outstanding: DLB: Overseas Yen Loans, Domestic Transfer (JPY bn) 12,191.20 Mar 2018 monthly Oct 2000 - Mar 2018
JP: Loans & Discounts: Outstanding: DLB: Individuals (JPY bn) 140,008.40 Mar 2018 monthly Oct 2000 - Mar 2018
JP: Loans & Discounts: Outstanding: DLB: Corporations: Incl Finance & Insurance (JPY bn) 312,385.90 Mar 2018 monthly Oct 2000 - Mar 2018
JP: Outstanding of NPLs: Total (JPY bn) 1,800.000 Sep 2018 semiannually Mar 2002 - Sep 2018
Business and Economic Survey Last Frequency Range
Monetary Policy Uncertainty Index (Index) 145.712 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1987 - Aug 2024
Business Confidence Growth (% Point) 4.0 Sep 2024 quarterly Mar 2001 - Sep 2024
Tankan: All Enterprises(AE): DI:Forecast: Bus. Condition(BC):All Ind (%) 10.000 Sep 2024 quarterly Mar 2015 - Sep 2024
Tankan: AE: DI: Actual: BC: Mfg: Electrical Machinery (%) -2.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2015 - Jun 2024
Tankan: AE: DI: Forecast: BC: Manufacturing (%) 6.000 Sep 2024 quarterly Mar 2015 - Sep 2024
Tankan: AE: DI: Forecast: BC: Non Manufacturing (NM) (%) 13.000 Sep 2024 quarterly Mar 2015 - Sep 2024
Tankan: AE: DI: Forecast: BC: Mfg: Electrical Machinery (%) 3.000 Sep 2024 quarterly Mar 2015 - Sep 2024
Economy Watchers: Diffusion Index: Current Economics Conditions: sa (NA) 49.000 Aug 2024 monthly Aug 2001 - Aug 2024
Business Condition Judgement: All Industries (%) -20.400 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 1994 - Jun 2024

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